Forrester Research: Feature Management and Experimentation Impacting Software Development

Application Development and Delivery Pros Improve Release Cadence And Quality When Experimenting In Production

Many organizations struggle to get their software over the finish line. In fact, a recent report from Forrester Research shows that even though application development and delivery (AD&D) teams have invested heavily in automation such as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), their release cadence has improved little. It may seem like a paradox, but leading companies use feature flags to deliver progressively and experiment in production to improve release cadence in a very controlled manner.

Read this report to understand how experimentation can improve software delivery with lower risk and faster cadence. You will learn:

  • Why CI/CD tools alone don’t go far enough

  • Why using feature flags to experiment in production is a hallmark of leading software firms

  • The one question you should be asking yourself about testing in production right now

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